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    come from frases de exemplo

    come from

    1. "So where'd the aluminum come from?" Herndon asked

    2. My soul was read into this empty brain, there was never an atom in this body that didn't come from food this body ate here on the planet Kassidor

    3. think about shower after we come from His presence

    4. But where did it come from?"

    5. The fantastic creatures in Maya carvings that could only have come from serious drug abuse ate you in the wilds on this planet

    6. I sit there trying to take all this in … Joanna hated gardening … where did that thought come from?

    7. No one ever knew what had come from the moon base Talstan had taken over from China

    8. Where did that explosion come from? What was going on? Who had authorized all of this? With no answers to any of his questions, Ackers was forced to take some kind of action or wait under the desk to be caught by someone

    9. “If It doesn’t come from mother earth, then it isn’t organic,” he states flatly

    10. "But half a billion, where did that population come from?"

    11. to know instinctively that eye of the storm would come from the east, from the

    12. I bury my head in my hands … where did this fit of the blues come from?

    13. "Nice tattoo," I said, "does it mean something?" The words came out of my mouth but they might have come from Mars

    14. "Where'd he come from?" Glenelle asked

    15. "The hell you come from?"

    16. He would have no children without their mothers, it had to come from that

    17. He didn't expect something like that to come from such an exquisite creature, "What kind of name is that?" She notices his confusion and returns it with a puzzled look of her own, like the answer should be obvious

    18. There is a chance that one of the friends that you made may have read this book too and maybe the proposal may come from the

    19. His staff was happy with the style and got into it, especially when they found there were good wages involved so there were now some creative artists turning out some really beautiful saddles using some of the exotic plumes that come from the tails of many species of local animals

    20. The largest and most beautiful plumes come from the most dangerous predators

    21. "If you only like syrup, where will the brown in your hair come from, or the blue in your eyes?" Herndon asked her

    22. He seemed to know instinctively that eye of the storm would come from the east, from the direction that lay behind him, in his long distant past, and slumped forward as he was, he began, as he always did in such circumstances, to count the tufts in the grey and threadbare boot carpet

    23. They all come from within you

    24. I'll try and remember what is considered proper here is not the same as where my memories come from

    25. “So where did the duck come from?” asked Catwhiskers

    26. Kara – These lapis lazuli beads come from the mountains of the Russian steppe … Lapis is deemed to be the stone of truth (though you know my skepticism of such ideas!) but seems appropriate as no soul is more truthful than yours

    27. That's the country the next starship will come from

    28. “Well, where are the riders going to come from?” Daniel looked at them, “he has to have something on the back burner

    29. I could be rich! Attica has the best wine, the reddest soil, the most unspoiled of villages and Mother of Zeus, the women? Ha, they say they come from Hades

    30. I've heard that Sophian melodies come from the sea

    31. When she left I heard a buzzing come from the bathroom

    32. Where did she come from? Who were these people? How do they know my every move? I'd have to be much more careful

    33. The voice was fine except for position, he sounded a bit like a ventriloquist in that his voice seemed to come from a slightly different location

    34. We have come from across the sea to ask for your aid in fighting the black menace on our shores

    35. As pain may result from these unforetold surprises, the joys that come from meeting someone and discovering their

    36. explores this fundamental skill and how the many benefits that come from it can advance your

    37. "True," Thom said, "but if you multiply by the number of samples it would take to cover the whole sphere around Sol, we can see that none of the impactors need to come from the Kuiper Belt

    38. They talked at length but words would not come from me

    39. "These highlighted bodies are the ones who’s course will take them to the inner Sol system," there were only three in this area and they did come from the halo population

    40. She was in a sheath, one that might have even come from Alan's universe, but she had underwear on

    41. was my destiny, and earning that meagre income from it my karma

    42. How does this relate to fear? You may have heard it said that every moment in life offers you a choice: you can come from ―love‖ or ―fear

    43. 'If everyone thinks that way, where will India's sportsmen come from?' Ish said

    44. 'I'm Ishaan, we have come from Ahmedabad in Gujarat

    45. 'Bloody hell! Where did that come from?' Fred said

    46. ‘Where did it come from, Jo?’ he asked, disgust uppermost in his voice

    47. “That also means that the laws of physics certainly allow that letter to have come from that ship

    48. “It could also come from the bogie that’s out there," Ava said, “but either way, Yellelle is its personification

    49. “My Lord, word has come from Lord Tarak’s Hold; they will leave after the first series of storms pass thru

    50. emotions will have come from a father, mother or

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